Family Systems Experiential Therapy Using Equine Assisted Therapy

N.E.A.T. (Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy) is a new and innovative program offering social, emotional, and behavioral interventions through work with horses. We promote change and learning in people dealing with social, emotional, and behavioral problems.Do you know a child or teen who is having trouble in school? Unable to focus? Argues and won’t listen to adults? Unable to follow directions? Fighting or withdrawn? Has trouble developing friends/relationships?Are you or someone you know struggling with depression, trust, or self-confidence issues? Have anxiety or anger management challenges? Feeling lonely or isolated? Overwhelmed by family, work, or relationship challenges?Are you looking for more joy from life or want to take your team to the next level of trust and cooperation?Work with horses can address a myriad of social, emotional, and behavioral issues related to:

Leadership Skills
Communication Skills
Anger Management
Addiction Recovery
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD)/Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)If so, learn more about how our programs can help you. Or contact us to arrange to meet our equine partners and to tour our beautiful ranch.

Christian treatment programs for troubled teen girls equine therapy session

Experiential Family Therapy
produces family healing

 Foster Children and Prescription Drugs

This story on NPR is showing up in several other news outlets as well. I would like to make a couple of observations. Be sure to read the entire article because it goes on to state:

“Psychotropic drugs have proven effective in treating mental illness, and the higher rate could be “due to foster children’s greater exposure to traumatic experiences and the unique challenges of coordinating their medical care.”

The fact is, the study focuses on children receiving Medicaid. What that means is that these children are coming from families that are already dealing with economic challenges. And, if the children are in foster care, this often (though absolutely not always) is related to parental drug/alcohol use, incarceration, sometimes parental mental illness or other things that have caused the child to be removed from the home. What effect do these conditions have on a child’s mental health? Not surprisingly, they very often experience mental health issues of their own.

Please do not think that I am advocating the kind of over-the-top medication management that this study seems to to suggest happens all too often. It is simply that I want to be sure that we are looking at all of the factors that may contribute to the statistic.

We actually find that Equine Therapy can be a very powerful part of a comprehensive mental health treatment program for all kids of issues, including those listed in this study. Through work with horses children are often to decrease medication dosages or even be weaned off of them all together.

We would love to have you visit our beautiful ranch, meet our wonderful horses and learn more about how our program can help address many mental health issues. We are a NV Medicaid mental health provider and work with children as young as 4, teens, adults and even seniors. Call us today to schedule a visit.

This entry was posted in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar, Children’s issues, Depression, In my opinion, Mental Health, PTSD, Reactive Attachment Disorder. Bookmark the permalink.

One of SAFF’s newest programs is N.E.A.T, an innovative program which promotes growth and learning through work with horses. Private sessions are held in Reno and paid for by Medicaid with the approval of the adolescent’s physician, social worker, and therapist.

For more information about these activities, please contact:
Joseph A. Galata, Executive Director

1301 Cordone Suite 212, Reno, NV 89502
775/828‐9977 Office
775/338‐7596 Cell


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